The City of Redmond is a progressive suburban community located on the Eastside of Lake Washington, within minutes of Seattle. With approximately 50,000 residents and the home of many large high tech corporations, our daytime population is in excess of 100,000. The City of Redmond currently encompasses approximately 17 square miles and has a balance of residential, commercial and park areas. The City prides itself for its high quality of life with good schools and healthy economic base. While maintaining a focus on quality living, the City of Redmond has also experienced consistent, exciting growth of both residential and business entities. Technology is central to the business population as well as both local and chain businesses. Recreational opportunities are abundant with various outdoor activities, such as skiing, biking, hiking and watersports, within an hours drive.
City of Redmond Address
15670 NE 85th Street P.O. Box 97010, M/S 3NHR Redmond, WA United States