GoodSpace is a digital recruitment platform and a growing community of trusted professionals, freelancers, recruiters and service providers. The purpose behind this initiative is to help employers find suitable talent and job seekers to get a fulfilling career. The process at GoodSpace is very simple- · If you are a job seeker, build your profile on GoodSpace, showcase your current skills and personal values · If you are an employer, create your account on GoodSpace and instantly hire people Feature Highlights The Feedback feature helps you cultivate a Goodness Score by quantifying your trustworthiness and increases your chances of getting high-quality work opportunities. - Give and receive feedback from your friends and colleagues anonymously. - Receiving positive feedback will help you develop a high Goodness score. Join GoodSpace community to find professional opportunities, and hire qualified people instantly for free. We are actively looking for skilled professionals to join our team in this journey. Please reach out to us at or check the latest job openings on LinkedIn if you are interested.