Telethon Speech & Hearing (TSH) is a proud Western Australian success
story. The only one of its kind in Australia, TSH brings together a range
of interconnected support for children with hearing loss and/or speech
difficulties to support them and their families. Our model integrates service
delivery unparalleled in the country to support children to hear, speak, learn and play.
Unique in our approach TSH provides a range of diagnostic, therapeutic and educational services for children with hearing, speech and language needs.
TSH is a Registered NDIS Provider and can help eligible children and families through the NDIS.
Our Purpose: As experts in our field we excel in bringing together services to support children and families to speak, hear, connect and learn in ways that empower them to live fulfilling lives.
Our Values reflect the ENTIRE focus of what guides our decisions: Excellence, Nurturing, Trust, Inclusivity, Respect, Empowerment.