Alpine Aerotech LP is a â??Platinum Certifiedâ?? Bell Helicopter Textron approved Customer Service Facility, and â??Leading Edgeâ?? provider of comprehensive worldwide helicopter support and aircraft maintenance services from our Maintenance and Manufacturing Centre located in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.\n\nThis concentration of well diversified maintenance capabilities under the guidance of Company President Jeff Denomme and General Manager Neil Baycroft, is dedicated to best serve the steadily increasing demands of our expanding customer base.\n\nToday, our historical focus on all the components of â??best in classâ?? customer service, industry leading product knowledge, and appreciation for the value craftsmanship has resulted in industry wide recognition for a tradition of excellence, and well managed growth.\n\nTomorrow, Alpine Aerotech LP will accommodate increasing popularity, and serve our customers more effectively through continual optimisation of our existing capabilities, the expansion of facilities, and the introduction of new customer service competencies in consultation with our valued customers, and well respected marketing expertise, through which Alpine Aerotech LP will, enhance, broaden and extend our industry wide â??Leading Edge.â??