Alex Rodriguez Email

Graphic Designer . SurveyMe

Whittier, CA



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SurveyMe® gathers actionable data to drive smart business. Everyone’s voice deserves to be heard and SurveyMe® believes customers should be rewarded for sharing their opinion. We are passionate about creating a global network of engaged consumers, hungry for freebies and discounts, that any business can tap in order to build guest loyalty, make better business decisions and ultimately generate more profit.\nOur GEE plan, Guest Experience Enhancement provides mobile, point of experience, honest, accurate and relevant information on-site at events and exhibitions. We turn your objectives into actionable data from you customers. Your customers prove feedback through our platform or yours. Your customers receive a traffic driving reward for providing input. You receive a high-quality actionable report to make better business decisions. Our vision is to create a global network of engaged consumers where everyone instantly wins when they use SurveyMe®. \nAt SurveyMe® Survey results help improve service performance day to day as the results can be viewed and acted upon daily. \n• Easy to use and editable surveys, live within seconds \n• Surveys that are simple and quick for participants to complete therefore providing a better customer experience \n• Instant analytics means that any identified problems are resolved quickly which allow for a higher customer recovery rate \n* GPS location functionality means it’s easy for more customers to find your survey \nVisit for details and price plan options.
SurveyMe Address
1401 Crooks Rd.
Whittier, CA
United States
SurveyMe Email

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