Alex Giesey Email

Purchasing Manager . Lakanto

Current Roles

Born from a proprietary mixture of the high-purity Monk Fruit extract and Erythritol, LAKANTO® is a delicious, all-natural, zero calories, zero glycemic sweetener with the sumptuous rich taste of sugar. Over a thousand year ago, in remote mountain highlands of Asia, a group of Buddhist monks called the Luohan achieved enlightenment through meditation, prayer, and pure living. On the slopes of a primeval forest, the monks discovered and cultivated a rare fruit prized for its sweetness. This sacred fruit was named Monk Fruit, or Luohan Guo, after its devoted caretakers and was used in elixirs to increase chi, or life energy. Monk Fruit was used for centuries in eastern traditional herbalism to increase chi and well-being, earning it the nickname ?The Immortals? Fruit.? We still grow and harvest Monk Fruit for LAKANTO® in the same pristine area and according to traditional and environmental methods.
Lakanto Address
715 East Timpanogos Parkway
Orem, UT
United States
Lakanto Email

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