Selectivv Revenue and Competitors

Warsaw, Poland



Total Funding



Estimated Revenue & Valuation

  • Selectivv's estimated annual revenue is currently $2.5M per year.(i)
  • Selectivv's estimated revenue per employee is $87,500

Employee Data

  • Selectivv has 28 Employees.(i)
  • Selectivv grew their employee count by -20% last year.

Selectivv's People

Competitor NameRevenueNumber of EmployeesEmployee GrowthTotal FundingValuation
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What Is Selectivv?

The main focus of our activities is mobile marketing. Our unique technology enables the implementation of advertising campaigns targeted at precisely selected groups of smartphone and tablet users. Each campaign is millions of information about users of mobile devices obtained through more than 14 million mobile websites, 200 thousand applications containing advertisements and thousands applications without advertisements. We collect, analyze and profile campaign data using our DMP platform. It is a large data set of mobile users in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The database contains information about 82 million users and is updated in real time. We have 362 facts about one consumer. These are both demographic data, such as age and gender, as well as information about their behavior or location. Based on the BIG DATA analysis, we create behavioral profiles of users characterized by specific features. Examples of profiles that we distinguish are, for example, pregnant women, sports fans, people ordering food on a smartphone or mobile banking users. We also use data on smartphone and tablet users outside of mobile marketing. For many companies they provide a valuable source of information on the behavior of their clients. They are used, among others in the research, insurance, telecommunication, banking or trade industry.



Total Funding


Number of Employees


Revenue (est)


Employee Growth %





Selectivv News

2022-04-17 - Ju? ponad 5 mln uchod?ców uciek?o z Ukrainy. Co zmieni bitwa o ...

Z danych firmy Selectivv, gromadz?cej informacje o u?ytkownikach urz?dze? mobilnych, wynika, ?e spo?ród osób, które wjecha?y do kraju w...

2022-04-06 - Ju? 3,5 mln Ukrai?ców w Polsce - policzeni po telefonach ...

Jak wynika z danych, które otrzymali?my od Selectivv, w marcu 2022 r. by?o w Polsce ponad 2 mln wi?cej Ukrai?ców ni? rok wcze?niej.

2022-04-06 - Kraków. Tysi?ce ksi??ek ukrai?skich wydawców trafi do dzieci ...

Jednocze?nie agencja LoveBrands Relations i Wydawnictwo Poradnia K dzia?aj? komunikacyjnie, firma Selectivv prowadzi kampani? fundraisingow?...

2019-09-08 - Sprijinul guvernului chinez pentru b?nci va fi mai selectiv

Sprijinul guvernului chinez pentru b?ncile din ?ar? r?mâne puternic, dar va deveni mai selectiv, potrivit agen?iei de evaluare financiar? Moody's ...

2019-09-07 - Kim jest statystyczny polski kibic? "16 proc. randkuj?cych na ...

Selectivv, firma specjalizuj?ca si? w pozyskiwaniu, analizie i profilowaniu danych z kana?u mobile, opublikowa?a w?a?nie najnowsze badanie ...

Company NameRevenueNumber of EmployeesEmployee GrowthTotal Funding