My Remote Developers Revenue and Competitors
Estimated Revenue & Valuation
- My Remote Developers's estimated annual revenue is currently $223.1M per year.
- My Remote Developers's estimated revenue per employee is $203,000
Employee Data
- My Remote Developers has 1099 Employees.
- My Remote Developers grew their employee count by 8% last year.
My Remote Developers's People
Name | Title | Email/Phone |
1 | Sales And Marketing Specialist | Reveal Email/Phone |
My Remote Developers Competitors & AlternativesAdd Company
Competitor Name | Revenue | Number of Employees | Employee Growth | Total Funding | Valuation |
#1 | $234.6M | 1172 | -44% | $381M | $1.5B |
What Is My Remote Developers?
A marketplace where businesses can hire "On-Demand", pre-qualified, Remote Developers from anywhere in the world, that are available for as little as â??20% of the costâ?? of domestic developers, through a â??virtually risk-freeâ?? hiring process.\n\n\nWe even provide developers on a three-day free trial to companies, after which time if they are not satisfied, we provide a free replacement. This is reassuring to the Client because the possibility of having to live with a â??misfitâ?? or â??wrong hireâ?? has been eliminated.
Total Funding
Number of Employees
Revenue (est)
Employee Growth %
My Remote Developers News
However, it lacks the 'follow my lead' feature for programmers to develop sub-programs. 2. Codenvy: Codenvy's uniqueness lies in its privacy...
With remote work shifting to be permanent option, at least for some, ... When I was setting up my office, I pulled several Cat 6 cables...
"I think you want different things from work at different times in your life, so having that flexibility is super important." Developer.
Company Name | Revenue | Number of Employees | Employee Growth | Total Funding |
#1 | $421.5M | 1115 | N/A | N/A |
#2 | $395.6M | 1117 | 8% | N/A |
#3 | $394.3M | 1145 | 2% | N/A |
#4 | $364.1M | 1182 | -2% | N/A |
#5 | $32.1M | 1200 | 20% | N/A |