Devious Eye Entertainment Revenue and Competitors



Total Funding

Estimated Revenue & Valuation

  • Devious Eye Entertainment's estimated annual revenue is currently $2.9M per year.(i)
  • Devious Eye Entertainment's estimated revenue per employee is $143,500

Employee Data

  • Devious Eye Entertainment has 20 Employees.(i)
  • Devious Eye Entertainment grew their employee count by -9% last year.

Devious Eye Entertainment's People

Competitor NameRevenueNumber of EmployeesEmployee GrowthTotal FundingValuation
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What Is Devious Eye Entertainment?

We aim high above expectations and are dedicated to building relationships with our community. By using our creative minds, we focus on creating well-designed and highly enjoyable entertainment experiences. We are extending our reach to the edges of the entertainment universe even further, as we work to bring more of our content to you- our supporters! We strive to bring you the most up to date content and news. Our team is dedicated to creating immersive works of art. We strive to give you experiences and not just games. We try to give you the very best entertainment in any way possible that includes music and video. Creating new content is our business. Art is a part of all our fervor- even if its print or publication. We create many different pieces for your enjoyment. We strive to Innovate, Captivate, Inspire, and Entertain our audience with multimedia and publication. Using our own design methods to create content ranging from music, video, games, art, stories, and more.



Total Funding


Number of Employees


Revenue (est)


Employee Growth %





Company NameRevenueNumber of EmployeesEmployee GrowthTotal Funding